Svoora-Crystal Ball Kaleidoscope Confetti 15 CM

Svoora-Crystal Ball Kaleidoscope Confetti 15 CM

სვორა, სვოორა, ბერძნული ბრენდი, svora, berdznuli brendi, სათამაშო, ბავშვის სათამაშოები, სვორას სათამაშოები, სვორას სათამაშოები სუპერი, სვორას სათამაშოები სუპერში, satamasho, satamashoebi, svoras satamashoebi, svoras satamashoebi superi, svoras satamashoebi supershi, კალეიდოსკოპები, სათამაშო კალეიდოსკოპი, კოლეიდოსკოპი, კოლეიდოსკოპები, სათამაშო კოლეიდოსკოპი, kaleidoskopi, kaleidoskopebi, satamashi kaleidoskopi, koleidoskopi, koleidoskopebi, satamashi koloeidoskopebi

15.60 14.04

Only 2 left in stock

Detailed Specs
SKU 102799


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ზომები (სმ):

15 x3 x 3



Stock Info

About Brand

Svoora embarked on the quest to create exceptionally designed and high-quality toys, games, gifts and decoration items in 2015. Driven by their passion for spinning tops, they named their brand Svoora, meaning spinning top in Greek.

Deriving from their vision their values focus on: Quality products, Ingenious design, Innovative ideas, Safe materials,Products that foster child-parent interaction, Products that offer educational advantages and Sustainable and environmental friendly products.

And of course, safety comes first! The materials used are carefully selected and our products undergo strict tests by independent testing laboratories. Our toys are designed to meet the highest safety requirements, comply with the EN71 European standard for safety and bear the CE certification mark.

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